A way to get unstuck

Writer's block: the most likely reason why you are stuck

You type this. But it doesn’t work and you delete it.

You type that. But it doesn’t lead you anywhere.

You type some more but you’re not getting off the ground.

You’re stuck. Read more…

The lost connection

PowerPoint impacts the interaction with your audience

At a presentation the other day, the technicians struggled to connect the speaker’s laptop.

The speaker showed a great reaction.

He left his PowerPoint-script behind and spoke off the cuff.

And it was wonderful – wonderful, informative and inspiring.

20 minutes later, the technicians got the laptop connected. Read more…

Do they ask basic questions?

Copywriter or designer,

coach or consultant,

big agency or solo-entrepreneur,

you can work in two ways:

You can execute the brief that your client gives you, or you can take a step back and ask basic questions before you start. Read more…

A headline is a promise: here’s how to keep it

Your heading is a promise. Don't make it a false one.-

The headline is the most important part of any article.

It tells you what you can expect. It tells what you will find.
It’s a promise.

I came across this promise the other day:

„How to include video in your email marketing“

That’s something I’ve been wanting to know and so I looked forward to a fast explanation.

But that’s not what I got. Read more…